
At In-Range Animation, we combine our passion and expertise in animation with our firsthand experience living with type 1 diabetes. We develop web-based, animated micro-learning videos that addresses the unmet needs of time, access, customization, equity and engagement regarding diabetes education. While patients and families are able to access both foundational and cutting edge diabetes education on demand, providers and educators are allowed more time to create individualized management goals and needs.

Our research-based approach reaches individuals with limited access to care, overburdened hospitals and clinics, and caregivers who feel unsure of how to support their loved one.

About Animated Micro-Learning

Micro-learning animations are short, concise, readily available videos that simplify a complex issue.  A study published in the National Institute of Health Journal verifies that animations positively impact patients’ knowledge, attitudes, cognition, and behavior.

This 30-second video is a brief sampling of the animated micro-learning currriculum.
In-Range Animation Formula Infographic

The Knowledge Enforcement Quiz

First, I log in.

Then I select a topic, like exercise.

I answer related questions.

I get my test score and a list of videos to watch.

Over the next 3 months, I watch the animated micro-learning videos that answer the questions I missed, like this sample curriculum video. After watching the videos, I retake the questions.

Watch the one-minute demo of the quiz experience!


  1. Feeley TH, Keller M, Kayler L. Using Animated Videos to Increase Patient Knowledge: A Meta-Analytic Review. Health Educ Behav. 2023 Apr;50(2):240-249. doi: 10.1177/10901981221116791. Epub 2022 Aug 11. PMID: 35950326.
  2. Albanese-O’Neill, A, MacInnes, J, Haller, MJ, Adams, J, Thomas, N, Bernier, A. Type 1 diabetes knowledge assessment: The KAT-1 validation study. Pediatr Diabetes. 2022; 23(8): 1687-1694. doi:
  3. Chelsea F. Zimmerman, MD, Katelin L. Bowater, MSH, RDN/LD, CDCES, Maureen R. Revels, MSN, RN, CDCES, Janey G. Adams, BS, Rebecca O. Oyetoro, BS, Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill, PhD, APRN, CDCES. Videoconference based training on diabetes technology for school nurses and staff: Pilot study. August 26, 2022. DOI:
  4. Multivision Digital. “Video Marketing Services.” Multivision Digital, Accessed October 20, 2023.